Portfolio and Services Pages Up

A little over five months ago, I shared here about some of my website issues and how I would be undergoing a redesign, as well as adding a services and portfolio page. It took a bit longer than expected (story of my life!) due to taking most of the summer off from blogging. If you’re wondering why I took a break, you can read a little more about that in this post.

So I just wanted to announce that my portfolio and services page are finally up! Yay! These are the first version of said pages and will probably be undergoing an evolution in the next few months, but for now they do the job.

I also wanted to ask a favor… If you see anything on my website that looks wonky or out of place, please let me know. The techie side of blogging has been an interesting learning curve for me, and I could definitely be missing something…

Appreciate you all!

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